Technology is ever-changing, and it constantly affects daily life: how individuals communicate, travel, and even plan for the future. The term Web3 has been utilized more recently, seeing the near future as a new technological age where new platforms and marketplaces will be created. This new technology could also expand into the estate planning arena,…
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Many individuals look forward to the day when they retire and spend their days relaxed and free—be it at home reading a book or tanning on a beach. However, they may not think about the planning they need to do beforehand to actually enjoy their retirement. Most people think about the most important aspect—saving money—but…
Continue reading ›Married couples receive special benefits in estate and tax planning solely due to their married status. Many of these benefits make it easier for couples to pass assets along to one another and avoid complications when one of them die. Estate planning attorneys can advise clients on strategies they should utilize to take advantage of…
Continue reading ›Because everyone is different, they have unique estate planning needs. For some people, this means prioritizing savings for retirement, whereas for others, it may mean planning how they would like end-of-life care handled. For ultra-high net worth individuals, their primary estate planning goal is protecting their current assets for future generations. Ultra-high net worth individuals…
Continue reading ›Estate planning strategies greatly vary depending on many factors. These include family structure, health needs, and the amount of assets. Because of this, high net worth families have unique needs and strategies they must utilize in the estate planning process. For example, most of the intentions of high net worth families focus more on protecting…
Continue reading ›In today’s world, an estate plan must be more than just crafting a will. With technology at everyone’s fingertips, if an individual dies without disseminating their online accounts and passwords, most of the information within these accounts may be lost forever. While estate planning attorneys may have different recommendations for how to handle the protection…
Continue reading ›Estate planning is a complex and complicated endeavor for many individuals. While the estate planning industry is constantly evolving, this process may be even more difficult for high-net-worth individuals. These individuals may have more considerations to take into account when planning their estate, including minimizing estate taxes, protecting their funds for heirs, and changing laws…
Continue reading ›Married couples often wonder if there are specific ways to protect their assets that apply specifically to them. One of these lesser-known estate planning options is the creation of a spousal lifetime access trust (SLAT), which is utilized to transfer assets outside of the estate. Using a SLAT can protect assets from the federal estate…
Continue reading ›Many people are passionate about collecting. Whether stamps, coins, or baseball cards, these collections hold both sentimental, and sometimes, monetary value too. Despite this, individuals may be unaware of how to incorporate these valuables into their estate plan—who will receive these prized belongings once they pass away and how to reduce tension in case multiple…
Continue reading ›It’s that time of year again: As the snow moves in, another year is on its way out. Although you may find yourself busy with holiday gatherings and the multitude of outdoor activities that Colorado has to offer each winter, it is also an important time to check in on your estate plan. Here are…
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